Traditionally dyslexia has been viewed as a disability and many remedial approaches focus on coping strategies involving drill and repetition. Our approach treats dyslexic intelligence with respect and uses it to address learning problems.
Davis Dyslexia Programme
Literacy is the key foundation of most education establishments. By doing the 30-hour Davis Dyslexia Correction programme you can improve literacy dramatically.
The programme gives adults and children over the age of eight effective tools to conquer the problem once and for all. You then use the tools at home for about 50 hours, and eliminate the problem for good. We talk about correcting learning difficulties, as there is in our view nothing to cure. By using our simple set of effective tools, you can overcome your learning difficulties once and for all. Our early intervention programmes can be used to prevent the problem from ever becoming an issue.
We customise our programmes in order to address your individual needs. If you work with us, we will tailor a programme specifically for you, based on your age, goals, and symptoms profile. We will also schedule the work as much as we can to fit in with your requirements, though most commonly we do an intensive programme consisting of six hours a day, over five days. When working with a younger child, we are likely to spread the work more, and work for shorter time each day.
Following the five-day programme there is about 50 hours of work to be completed at home with a support person of your choice, which we give basic training in how to support you.
- Dyspraxia is included in the 5-day dyslexia programme
- Dysgraphia may add a day to the 5-day dyslexia programme
Contact one of our facilitators to find out more: