A new paradigm in intervention

Short introductory modules designed to give a basic insight into the Davis methods and procedures.

These courses do not include certification or licensing for commercial use of the Davis trademarks; such use requires extensive additional training.

Click HERE to read about the full Davis Professional Licensing programme.


The 4-day Gift of Dyslexia workshop

ADHD, maths, handwriting
4-day Advanced Methods Workshop - requires completing the Basic Training Programme first

For teachers
The 2-day Davis Learning Strategies

The 5-day Davis Life Concepts for Autism
The 2-day Stepping Stones for Autism


Gift of Dyslexia Workshop

This workshop gives you a basic insight into the Davis Dyslexia Correction programme, by covering all the procedures in the best-selling book The Gift of Dyslexia. It also forms the first step in the full Davis Professional Licensing Programme.

Davis Learning Strategies

The Davis Learning strategies is a two-day workshop for mainstream teachers of grades 0-3. This has been shown to minimise the need for remedial intervention and maximise reading skills.

Davis Stepping Stones

This ground-breaking workshop forms the beginning steps to the Davis Autism Approach, which is a holistic program, developed to assist you in helping your child/student who may be on the autistic spectrum and/or struggling to meet early childhood development milestones.